Friday, February 10, 2017


I saw this post recently on Laura Candler's blog about an interactive technology called Plickers The draw for me was that in order to use the technology you only need ONE hand-held device and the app is FREE!! I'm signed up for her FREE webinar tonight to learn more about this awesome resource! Here's the steps I followed to try it out and I so excited that it actually worked! We've done it now a few times with some simple math questions and I can't wait to add more question folders to my question queue and use Plickers again!! Here are the steps I followed to get started: 
  • Go to and click cards and download to download the special Plickers cards. Print the cards off on cardstock (don't laminate, so they are easier to scan) Each card has a number on it, so I wrote my kiddo's name with their class number that matched on the back of each card. 
  • Create a FREE Plickers account
  • Click on Classes and Add New Class to add your students. I added them according to the number they already have in my class in ABC order. 
  • Click on Library to create new questions then add them to your Question Queue.
  • Download the FREE Plickers app on your hand-held device from the app store (I use my teacher iPad). 
  • Explain the cards to your students (Each card has special scan symbol and a choice of A, B, C or D) and you are ready to begin! 
Here's a few pics of my students interacting using Plickers: The question is projected on my Apple TV screen while I use the iPad to scan cards quickly and see results. I also love this because it is completely SILENT, but every student is PARTICIPATING!!!

To help with managing answers, I decided to have my students hold their Plickers card by their chest until I say, "Showdown!" Then students hold the cards up high for me to scan as seen in the picture below. It took a bit of practice for students to turn cards correctly, but now I can scan them with ease. Also, as soon as students see on the screen that their card has been scanned, they turn their card upside down on the floor. *On another teaching note, I started with really simple math problems like,1+1= just so students could get used to using the cards and I could teach management.