Thursday, October 30, 2014

Community Culmination Project: Creating Our Own Communities!

We have been working on the three different types of community (urban, suburban, and rural) and also been focusing on map skills. Today our kiddos get to unveil their own communities created on giant bulletin board paper! They included a compass, key/legend, a type of community, title, and detailed pictures! We are so excited!!

Bossy R

I love using this awesome idea packet from Laura Davis at We read a poem, did a write around the room with bossy r words and then I gave each child a word that they got to use to create a picture of its meaning! I have some amazing artists in my room! See pictures below: 

Wednesday, October 29, 2014


This week we have had some Frankenstein fun! I used a packet created by Cara Carroll at We focused on the parts of a story and structure including beginning, middle, and end for the story, Click, Clack, Boo by Dorren Cronin and Betsy Lewin. Then today we talked about using temporal words in our writing like first, next, then, last while we made Frankenpudding! The kids loved it! Pictures below!

Fall Party!

We had a wonderful time at our fall party last week! I am so thankful for all the snacks and games provided by wonderful parents. This kids had a blast! (Toilet paper mummies pictured above!)

Butterfly Hatching and Release

The kids were so excited to come in one day to find our cocoon had hatched and a beautiful butterfly had appearing in its place! We let him go at recess! :)